7 Effective Stress Management Techniques

It seems the older we get, the more stress that surrounds us. Remember being a kid? I didn’t have a care in the world. My parents worked to supply me with food, shelter and other essentials. Suddenly, one day I blinked, and now I am the one supplying the essentials and taking care of a family of my own.

Effective stress management techniquesAs we get older, it becomes more and more important to practice effective stress management techniques. Did you know that 75-90% of all doctor’s office visits are  for stress-related ailments and complaints? But, with all of the responsibilities of work and home life, one is bound to get stressed out. How can we deal with the stressors of daily life in a healthy, effective way?

Now as much as I like the old “Rat Pack” mentality of burying your stressors with scotch and cigarettes, that, unfortunately, isn’t the healthiest solution and only provides a temporary escape from reality. In addition to mental stress, you’ll be putting physical stress on your body. Not the best combination.

Here are 7 effective stress management techniques that work for me!

Exercise – Working out is a great stress reliever. Your mind is more focused on the next rep and less worried about your stress. Not a gym rat? No problem. Take a 2 mile walk or jog around the neighborhood. If you’re worried you’ll get caught up in conversation with a neighbor then don your Oakley’s and your ear buds. This will give them the hint that you’re focused and unable to converse.

Read – Reading can be the perfect, healthy break from reality. Whether you’re into thrillers, biographies or US Weekly, reading can help relax you and also strengthen your brain.

Take a soak – Try taking a warm bath (after the gym, of course) with some lavender bubble bath. Your muscles will thank you, and the scent of lavender will help keep you calm and relaxed.

Stay busy – I personally like to go outside and get yard work done when I’m stressed out. I get some fresh air, a nice workout and I get to enhance my curb appeal. Knocking a couple of things off the “Honey Do” list always makes me feel accomplished and less stressed.

Get some air – Go to a state park, and immerse yourself in the natural surroundings. Bring some binoculars along and bird watch. You’ll get some exercise, fresh air and relax to the soothing birth calls. Taking a step back from what is stressing me out to enjoy nature always makes me feel rejuvenated.

Visit friends – Take a road trip to see some old friends that you haven’t seen in a while. Reminiscing about the past will be a refreshing break from your daily stressors.

A round of 18 holes – Playing golf allows me to combine a few of the above healthy stress relievers together to encompass the ultimate in stress reduction. I just call a few friends and plan an outing, and we end up having a great time. Just don’t overdo it on the libations when the beverage cart rolls by.

Try implementing a few of these healthy stress reducers the next time you’re stressed out, and you’ll be feeling better in no time! What do you do when you’re stressed out? Please share with a comment below!