4 Quick & Easy Interview Tips

With Halloween just a couple weeks away, we are talking about common fears found in the business world. This week it is the fear of being interviewed. Do you get nervous or anxious before an interview? Are you stressed for a whole week before going on that interview for the job you have always wanted?

Interview Tips - Afraid of interviewing

Interview fear is common for many people, and it can express itself in many ways. You may simply get sweaty palms, or perhaps your heartbeat speeds up, you get a dry throat or your voice cracks. Sometimes your mind may just go blank. Here are four interview tips that will help you relieve the pressure you feel and do great in any interview.

1. Be prepared. Practice your answers ahead of time. You can even have a friend interview you with a list of those difficult interview questions that may catch you off guard. Another great tip is printing out the job description so that you can read over the qualities and qualifications they are looking for. Be prepared to discuss why you have the qualities and how you have gained the experience. Make sure you have an extra copy of your resume, cover letter, and references; and always be a few minutes early to your interview (so make sure you know how to get there!).your voice cracks. Sometimes your mind may just go blank. Here are four interview tips that will help you relieve the pressure you feel and do great in any interview.

2. Relax! Practice your favorite relaxation technique before the interview. It could be taking a few deep breaths or listening to your favorite music on the drive to the interview. You may even choose to exercise the morning of your interview to work off some of that nervous energy. Whatever puts you in a more comfortable state of mind can help you stay calm during the interview.

3. Think of it as a conversation. Answer their questions, but remember it is okay for you to ask questions too. Just as the Hiring Manager wants to know if you’re the right fit, you should feel the same about the company. This also shows the Hiring Manager that you are interested in the company and have put some thought into the position you will fill there. And it’s always helpful to take you off the back foot for a minute.

4. Be friendly. Feel free to exchange some friendly banter before and/or after the interview. It lets the interviewer know that you are friendly and will be a good addition to the office environment. Let them know that they can contact you if they have follow up questions or need any additional information.

Follow these four tips to walk out of every interview feeling confident and relaxed. Just be sure to send that follow up note thanking the interviewer for their time and consideration!

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