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Search Results on leadership

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy Effective leadership is vital to any successful business, but is also one of the hardest positions to fill. A leader’s job is never done, constantly asking the questions, “How can I be more effective? What does my team need from me? How can I […]

Found this great article on LinkedIn, and I had to share with you all!  Fred Kofman examines unilateral “control freak” type leadership versus leadership styles that support mutual learning.  Hmm… I wonder which method is more effective? I love the idea of creating your own case study of your leadership style in action. When you were under […]

Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s first female prime minister, passed away from a stroke yesterday at age 87. As I was doing research for my post today, I saw that a lot of readers had very strong feelings toward her, both good and bad. Commonly referred to as the Iron Lady, she had a strong personality and even […]